Will Thumb Sucking Affect My Child's Teeth Essay

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Children usually develop the habit of sucking thumb when they are young. Not only that, its normal for children to suck on their thumbs, fingers, hands, pacifier or any other objects; as this gives them a feeling of security. It is associated with the action of feeding and gives the children the same physiological comfort as feeding. This habit develops usually in infancy when the children are teething. And has been shown to continue until the age of 12-13 years, if not discontinued. Most children leave it themselves as they grow, but for some, it is a habit without which they sometimes cannot even function. Will Thumb Sucking Affect My Child’s Teeth? This question is asked by many parents. The professional answer is YES. As children suck on a …show more content…

When a child sucks their thumb, they create a hindrance for the teeth, altering the natural growth. Hence, the teeth take direction according to the thumb. This draws the teeth forward, meaning they grow out towards the lip. The upper and lower jaw bone is also modified. This causes problems in the skeleton of the child, and both things combined lead to a skeletal and dental problem as the child grows older. Not only that, thumb sucking can have a mental and psychological effect if it continues as the child gets older. Children suck their thumbs to feel secure and leaving this habit makes them feel insecure. This will create problems in their aesthetics and their ability to function normally. Problems caused by thumb sucking can only be corrected with orthodontic treatment, which in common terms are known as braces. Orthodontic treatment becomes necessary as it is the only form of treatment to correct non-alignment of teeth. How Can I Help My Child Stop Thumb Sucking? Praise your child for not sucking a thumb or any other object. Children often suck their thumbs when they feel insecure or need

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