Why are Revolutions Often Violent

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Introduction Revolutions have always been with us throughtout time and always will be. Most of the times, violence is inseperable from them. With time, the concept of revolution has spread over a variety of scientific fields and public discourse, and as a result of the overusage of the term, it is often used incorrectly. Althought the definition of revolution is contested, this essay will work with revolution defined as a sudden, major, and usually violent shift in the governing and related structures. (britannica, n.d.) This seizure of the state is undertaken by the public and not by the elite. Althought there are some peaceful revolutions, most of them are accompanied by violence. Why is that so? According to Thomas Hobbes (1996), conflict and instability are inseparable parts of human nature where there are at least two political entities opposing one another. They exist in a world of anarchy and are subject to the rule and laws of nature which entitle and restrict them in their actions. When they give up their right of nature to do and take what they wish, they will in return achieve security, thus creating a Contract which sets the framework of permissible behaviour. In modern times it means the creation of a state with all the institutions needed to secure that the Contract is observed. If the Contract is not adhered to, conflict and instability are not held in check and are many times followed by violence and revolution. This analytical essay will argue that the reasons for revolutions to be usually violent are the factors which disable the state to contain the conflict under control, leading to instability and to violence itself. Those reasons being: a) the ineffectiveness of state in distributing and sustaining basic pub... ... middle of paper ... ...vement: cycles of protest. In: EL-MAHDI, R. and MARFLEET, P., (eds.). Egypt: The Moment of Change. London, UK: Zed Books, Ltd., pp 87-102 FENBY, J., (2009). The Penguin History of Modern China. Penguin Books Ltd. GLYN, M., (2013) A very brief history of the causes and course of the French Revolution. [Online] Availible from: http://www.historyhome.co.uk/c-eight/france/histfrev.htm [Accessed 02/01/2014] HOBBES, T., (1996). Leviathan. New York: Oxford University Press Inc., New York LARUS, E. F., (2012). Politics & Society in Contemporary China. United States of America: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc. TADROS, S., (2011) The Story of the Egyptian Revolution. [Online] American Thinker. Availible from: http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/02/the_story_of_the_egyptian_revo.html TROTSKY, L., (2008). History of the Russian Revolution. Canada: Haymarket books. Pp 75-99.

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