Why and How the Nazis Persecuted Jews

807 Words2 Pages

Why and How the Nazis Persecuted Jews

The persecution of the Jews in Nazi Germany is concerned with the

holocaust, a word that today has a certain aura about it. And rightly

so, in that period, where Hitler was at the height of his control, 5 -

6 million Jews were killed while in captivity, subjected to torture

and starvation, in German death camps. The word Holocaust comes from

the Greek: holo meaning "whole" and caustos meaning "burned", in a way

this word is quite fitting to the whole situation, Hitler's singular

desire to literally burn the whole of the Jewish race off the face of

the planet. In this essay I shall now discuss firstly why the Germans

persecuted the Jews and then how this developed.

Persecution of the Jewish race and anti-Semitism was not a new

concept. Many people still harboured ill feelings towards the race

believing that they were solely to blame for the death of Jesus

Christ. Although at the time I cannot see this been the first thing on

the mind. However there was an historic racism towards the Jews and

many already felt that they were not German but foreigner coming to

steal there had earned wealth off them. For this many felt that Jews

should be got rid of, not necessarily killed but pushed out of the


There was also a certain amount of jealousy among the Germans directed

at the Jews. Whilst the rest of the country had been suffering in the

depression the Jews did not do nearly as badly. And this was in what

seemed to man as there own community, witch spoke its own language,

Yiddish, and had there own political party.

Hitler used the Jews as scapegoats, at of the depression the time


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...hey thought

were showers but really released a deadly gas. All 2000 would be dead

within 3 minutes. This was the final part of the persecution of the

Jews and without the end of the war they would have killed all of the

Jews in the areas they controlled without hesitation.

The persecution of the Jews was simply down an historic prejudice and

jealousy coupled with the want to blame someone else for their

problems. This was used to start a boycott against Jewish stores. And

from here it moved up to the death camps witch killed around 3 million

Jews. They did this gradually so as it could be accepted by the people

and the most horrific stages in the persecution such as death camps

and the Ghettos were hidden from the public. They did this highly

effectively and with disgusting effects from little more than


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