Why We Should Not Have Homework Essay

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Homework Sucks Yikes, I need to wake up in 4 hours and I still have a ton of homework to do. Students in High School should not have homework. If students are in extracurricular activities, having homework can be very stressful and overwhelming because you have to balance that and the activities. Homework also keeps students up late at night and causes them to not have enough sleep. Lastly while students are at home working on the assignments the teacher gave them they can’t ask for help if they get stuck because the teacher isn’t there.
Teachers do not understand how assigning homework is overwhelming and stressful for students. Students are too active and busy with extracurricular activities to be stressing over homework. “Also, assigning excessive amounts of homework may result in unneeded stress and pressure on the child, which affects the student’s emotions, behaviors, thinking ability, and physical health”(Bogdanovich, 4). This evidence states that when teachers assign homework to students it can cause unneeded stress, which affects the student’s health. Students need good health so that they can succeed in school. …show more content…

Students need enough sleep so that they can function and learn at their best. “Over 50% of high school students report that they sleep seven hours or less each night, and about one in five get less than six hours6. And 82% of both middle and high school students said that they woke up tired and unrefreshed, and more than half had trouble concentrating in school7”(Saminski, 1). Waking up tired and unrefreshed is not how students should be learning. Students should be awake and energized in the morning so that they will actually want to

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