Why We Should Not Be Required To Wear School Uniforms

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Did you know that Americans spend around one billion dollars per year on school uniforms? At the beginning of every school year, families shop for weeks and weeks to find specific clothes that fit into a school’s strict uniform dress code. School uniforms should not be required in schools because they take away from the student’s freedom of expression, do not lower disciplinary problems, and do not prevent bullying based on economic status. Dress codes often have more of a negative impact than a positive impact when it comes to students being able to learn. Many people say that being in free dress is a distraction, when in reality, uniforms are more of a distraction. Since going to a school that forces the students to have uniforms, I have …show more content…

As a student in a public school system that wears uniforms, I can confidently say that students still bully other students about their clothes. It is not possible to completely eliminate bullying in schools by changing what students are wearing because you will always be able to tell the difference between the “haves and the have-nots”. Some students that have more money still wear designer and name brand clothes to school while the not so fortunate children do not. There is always going to be that one group in schools that think they are better than others and will try to bring them down just because they don’t have a ton of money to buy designer clothes. This makes is utterly impossible to try to close the financial gap between students. Students should be allowed to wear what they want to school and if bullying occurs then the bully should be punished. Bullying is something that is not going to stop no matter what schools do to try and prevent it. The only way to lower the amount of bullying in schools is to teach children about the consequences of their actions at an early

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