Why We Should Get Shorter School Hours

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Schools around the world must have shorter school hours because students need their sleep. Students should get shorter days because it can help students get their homework done faster and at a more reasonable time. It can also move up the after school activities so that students get home earlier, and it can help students get more sleep. Most students have after school activities and normally get home late. Parents want their children to go to bed at the right time because of activities the next day. Is it really worth getting out of school each day a little early for some after school activity. Most students spend their after school hours at an practice for a activity of some sort. Whether it be a sport, a club, or student council. They normally only get 1-2 hours of homework time, plus they have to eat dinner, and get everything ready for the next day. Most high schoolers spend 3 hours on homework each night which keeps them up late. That would mean their spending about 17 or more hours on homework each week. Putting pressure on students to get their homework done can be stressful to them. When a student has straight A’s, is doing an sport all year round, has a lot of homework, it can be stressful at …show more content…

Cutting off an hour or so each day or school will move up the after school activities so they can have more time to do homework and other things. If the student has 1 hour more than a normal school day then they can go to bed earlier. In this way, the student doesn’t have to wake up any earlier because of not getting things done. They can get those things done before they go to sleep the night before. Coaches or administrators, who teach the after school activity, can move their practice up so that students get more time to themselves. This way the student gets home earlier and the parents don’t have to worry about they getting bad grades because their so

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