Why We Should Fire A Manager And Hire Part Time Employees

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Purpose statement
The Purpose of this memo is to inform you of what we would like to do with our company, Chocoholics Anonymous, moving forward. We want to address the plan you proposed regarding firing one of our two managers as well as layout why we think this is not in the best interest of our company.
Your Concern
We understand that your main concern is that the profits of the company are too low, and that in order to fix that you believe we should fire a manager and hire part-time employees. We agree that this will lower costs increasing the profits of the company in the short-run, but we have been looking at the long run as well as our own ethics to come to the conclusion that we don’t want to fire a manager. Your guys believe reaffirms the shareholders’ ideology, which states that the main purpose of the business is to maximize profits (Williams, 2015, p. 80). This practice is not unusual in the business world. A recent example, provided by the New York Times, is when Harley-Davidson started firing its employees to cut down on costs. That helped them triple their profits in one year, proving that this method is effective (Schwartz, 2010). On the other hand, given the fact that only one manager will remain employed we will have to put a lot more work on the rest of our employees. This will make employees unhappy and create more problems for our company in the future. For example, we will have to spend money training new employees and give more compensation to employees for working longer days.
Employee Concerns
As owners we are in charge of the management responsibilities, we think that it’s important to acknowledge the concerns of the employees and look at the situation from their point of view. We have noticed that thei...

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...we will be retaining both of our managers, we will not be hiring any more part-time employees. We believe having more staff in the leader role will help motivate our employees to work harder and accomplish their tasks in the most effective way possible. We will be able to perform much more efficiently and communicate better with more organization. From an article about how to manage employee talent, it stated, “Success in business happens because of successful employees. That being said, strong managers are one of the most critical components of Employee Success” (Suleman, 2013). This shows us that we need the right people in charge to manage our staff to create as much profit as we can. We have seen progress in the last quarter and don’t feel it is ethical to base our decision, to let someone go, off of the results of a quarter during an economic downturn.

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