Why We Should Colonize Mars

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If someone asked you if you wanted to go to Mars would you say yes? For one reason why we should colonize Mars is for science, to discover if there is life on Mars. Another reason is because the Earth is starting to die although in the far away future, it is still dying and is in need of help. I want to tell you that you should go to Mars to colonize there. Many people, maybe even you may think Mars is dangerous and is useless to go to.

Mars had life at one point and we want to find out what had lived there at one time. Mars once had life at one point because we know there was once water because of Mars geography, but there still could be life deep underground (Salazar). We think deep underground there still could be watered and we need to dig deep down to find water if its still there to maybe find microorganisms (Salazar). If there was once life we could find fossils of once living organisms and see what might of happened to them. At one point in time Mars carried life and if we go there we could find what was once there and what could be there.

Earth, which is our home is dying and is in need of help so going to mars could help the human race. Having humans on other planets like Mars could help save Humans survive when Earth doesn't (Orwig). Going to Mars could improve …show more content…

Im not going to lie it could be dangerous, but it could save our race from dying off forever. This mission is also not useless because like what an aerospace engineer and author Robert Zubrin said,"There are really three reasons: for the science, for the challenge, and for the future"(Salazar). Going to Mars you can put down as being a part of the first people to colonize a new planet. If you go to Mars we are closer to other planets so we can explore them and get humans further in space ("Viewpoint: Should We Send Humans to Mars?"). Mars is not useless to go to, even though it can be dangerous it will be worth

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