NASA Spending Essay

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This essay is being written to prove that NASA spending has a negative impact on American society. Continuing NASA and the programs run by it is harmful to American society and Government. NASA harms the economy. NASA also harms the environment in which we live. And the money that NASA spends could be used to help solve problems in our country, not on another planet. NASA harms the economy. Since NASA’s beginning in 1958, NASA has spent over 500 billion dollars(NFAA). To put that in perspective, if you sum total the amount NASA has spent SINCE the moon landing, it is enough money to purchase the entire continent of Oceania AND end world hunger for over 6 years. NASA is constantly disrupting the treasury of the United States by constantly spending money that his not their own which raises taxes. NASA is constantly over budget and behind schedule. So how badly is NASA being run? A U.S. Government report states that more than 50% of NASA’s programs over-budget and past-deadline; and some of the others having no deadline at all. The Government Accountability Office looked at 18 separate NASA programs, finding that 5 are running without any deadline at all! In total, there are only 3 that have made their deadline, all of which are over budget. The Mars Science Laboratory is running 25 months behind schedule and 26% over original cost estimates, and the Glory climate satellite is an incredible 53% over budget! (nasa). This constant over-budgeting by NASA results in higher taxes on the American people. Many of NASA’s programs have had to be cancelled due to vast corruption. 9 billion dollars was thrown away due to corrupt management and spending on the Constellation program (NFAA). The corruption within the United States Congress dire... ... middle of paper ... ...ther with one another before we even think about branching out into space. For example, the United States must learn how to communicate and fix their relationship with Russia before trying to reach out and conquer space. We must fix the problems we have in our homeland and home world, before creating new ones on a different planet. In conclusion, Continuing NASA and the programs run by it, is harmful to American society and Government. NASA harms the economy. NASA also harms the environment in which we live. And the money that NASA spends could be used to help solve problems in our country, not on another planet. Only if we work together, fixing our own problems first, respectfully with each other, as one body, one world, and one planet, then we will be able to reach out into space. We will be able to explore it safely, efficiently, and environmentally soundly.

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