Why Was The 1960s So Important Essay

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The 60s Why is the 1960s decade so important? Let's just start by saying that the 60s is considered the dawn of the golden age. In the beginning of the 60s a very important man in U.S. history was elected president, when a very popular band first started to hit, and a very popular woman was found dead because of an overdose of pills. Many other important events and fascinating facts to discuss about such as music, fashion, etc. This specific decade has a lot of interesting topics, some that we still discuss today. Presidential elections in the 60s Some people might not know who the president was back in the 1960s, or they do know he was president just not the year he was elected. Who might that person be elected president? John F Kennedy was elected president of the United States on January 20, 1961. History.com staff (2010), “ His confidence that, as one historian put it, “the government possessed big answers to big problems” seemed to set the tone for the rest of the decade.” Although by the end of the 1960s the nation seemed to be falling apart. While john f Kennedy was president, he promised a very ambitious agenda since the new deal. He wanted to get rid of all the injustice and …show more content…

The decade was known for breaking many fashion traditions. In the beginning of the decade, 1963 to be more specific was when the bikinis became very popular in the fashion industry after being seen by many in the musical beach party. A women named Mary Quant was the reason why the mini skirt became popular, and Jackie Kennedy introduced the pillbox hat. Women throughout the decade wore false eyelashes, and their hairstyles were all diverse in lengths and styles. Men simply wore highlighter colors and mismatched patterns. The hippie movement in the late 1960s really inspired women to wear bell- bottom jeans, and batik fabrics. Both males and females wore tie-dye. The fashion in the 60s was simply

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