Why The Flag Should Be Banned Research Paper

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This new trend needs to stop! These athletes are picking the wrong place to protest. Protesting before games against the flag should be banned. Protesting during the national anthem is wrong because the flag is the reason that these players are making money, playing the sport that they love, and living free country. The athletes that are protesting before their games are accomplishing the wrong thing. They are receiving a large amount of money from our country, therefore shouldn’t be disrespecting their country’s flag like they are. People in the military have fought way too hard to have the civilians of the country that they’re protecting be protesting its flag like this. Even if they don’t agree with it these players should at least respect the flag during games. Or at least act like they respect it. If these athletes really want to make a difference, then why aren’t they going to protests. Or leaving to help the cause outside of just kneeling or locking arms during the National Anthem before a game. If they really wanted to help a cause then they …show more content…

On Sept. 18, 2016 Colin Kaepernick and Eric Reid kneeled for the first time. This event started great amount of conversation about the subject of kneeling for the National Anthem. After this event was on almost every news site, I can only suspect that other Irrelevant players saw how much attention, Colin was receiving and saw an opportunity to get their name talked about too. At the beginning of this season every NFL team had players kneeling or locking arms during the National Anthem. This, of course, brought a great amount of attention to the NFL from news organizations, especially because Donald Trump talked about it on twitter tweeting things like, “Great solidarity for our National Anthem and for our Country. Standing with locked arms is good, kneeling is not acceptable. Bad ratings!” Or saying things like “He’s

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