NFL National Anthem Controversy

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NFL National Anthem Controversy
It all started last year whenever a 49ers player decided he was going to kneel for the National Anthem. Colin Kaepernick felt that because of his race and what he believed in he shouldn’t have to stand for the National Anthem. At first it wasn’t a big deal until other players in the NFL decided to follow him. On September 24, 2017 is the day that everyone went crazy. The steelers team on Sunday decided to not come out of the locker room, because of a tweet the President made. Except for Alejandro Villanueva, a Veteran who served three tours in Afghanistan. Helped by the news, all over the U.S. people were either agreeing or disagreeing with what the Pittsburgh Steelers team decided to do. I believe that the Pittsburgh Steelers should have stood no matter what.
The National Anthem started at the West Point Ceremony in 1891, when the Civil War broke out. The Star-Spangled Banner wasn’t called the National Anthem until 1916. The congress didn’t call it the National Anthem until 1931 (When Did We Begin Standing for the National Anthem).The National Anthem was favored by the Military. The NFL started standing for the National Anthem in 2009. …show more content…

That is completely insane. I mean think about it there are people out there that can’t even afford food let alone make that much money to play a sport they love. Even the players that sit on the sideline on the bench make crazy amounts of money. All they have to do is go to practice. I’m not saying that playing football is easy, but when you can’t stand for the National Anthem that’s crazy. All you have to do is stand you don’t have to put your hand on you heart just stand. It is so disrespectful for football players to not stand it just makes the whole team look bad. Just respect the fact that people are risking their lives for you to play the sport you

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