Why The American Dream Fail Essay

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Why the American dream failed We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. The ‘American dream’ didn’t envisage equality, in that equal opportunites necessarily generate equal outcomes. Justice, liberty and the inherent opportunities, enshrined within the Declaration of Independence - all men are created equal - are entirely different concepts. Justice can provide liberty, but liberty doesn’t provide equality but individual opportunity. When combined, they become abstracts; beliefs of what should be and change to government dependency and not individualistic effort. …show more content…

Consequently, individual opportunity and upward social mobility, not equality, remain the central themes. The rapid change to equalising society through government dependency, as opposed to the previous values of self-dependecy and reliance, is why an estimated 60%+ now believe the current generation will be worse off than previously (Pew Research centre). The figures for Europe are even more bleak; Germany 28%, UK 17%, Italy 14% and France 9%. The Road to Collectivisation The wild west was not tamed by SJWs, the food we eat isn’t grown or packaged by an elite liberal classa and no collectivised Union ever built a factory. The parasitic nature of collectivisation is why the poor remain poor in ghettos and super rich Silicon Valley and Florida contain the liberals. In this type of society, the ones who produce the least, the Buffet’s, Winfrey’s and Gate’s gain the most through wealth appropriation and not

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