Why Should We Conserve Wilderness

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The wilderness as natural as it is serves us humans by keeping us alive. Not only does it do this, but it also provides us with oxygen, habitat for plants and wildlife, and a place to unwind. One of the smallest things we could do to help keep the wilderness running would be to not mess with or damage it in any way. Some people may not realize how important the wilderness is to us because they keep on destroying and contaminating it with their ignorance. Therefore, we must conserve the wilderness by obtaining knowledge of its purpose. Once we become more aware of what special qualities it withholds, mankind will realize of how ignorant they have been throughout the past years and will want to do things to prevent the wilderness from dying off. …show more content…

Animals that are a vital necessity to the wilderness ecosystem must have the chance to live their wildlife, without being bothered by the human population. According to the article Benefits of Wilderness, “…wilderness is valuable for its ecological, geological, or other features of scientific, educational, scenic, or historical value”(Wilderness.net). When we think of the cure for cancer, some people believe that it might actually be found somewhere in the wilderness, because of the many diversities it has of plants and animals. We might think of it as a joke right now but in the future when the researchers find the answer we won’t be laughing. People keep killing and bringing certain animal populations to extinction without hesitation, but the sad part is that, “Only when the last of the animals horns, tusks, skin and bones are sold, will mankind realize that money can never buy back our wildlife” (Wild at Heart). As Henry David once said, “In wilderness is the preservation of the …show more content…

Not only are the animals being affected by the greedy people of the world, but other humans as well. Major international companies sell land to other foreign investors, so they can build luxurious resorts for tourists. What these business investors aren’t aware of is the harm that they are causing upon humans and animals. These poor citizens who have done nothing wrong other than to be themselves are also feeling the negative effects of the damage that is being caused. In fact, “The Masai have been herding cattle across the great plains of Tanzania for generations, their nomadic lifestyle helping to preserve the wildlife of East Africa. Now, they are being forcibly evicted so that tour operators can turn their homelands into vast "nature refuges" for wealthy holiday makers” (Renton). This quote lets us know how people have been kicked out of their lands and are unable to do what they have been doing in the past years due to the fact that the lands are being taken over. Also, “The preserves are used to lure tourists, who are all eager to see the lush rainforests. While this is all nice, it is harming the environment and defeating the purpose of wanting to protect it” (Vargas, Shelby, and Sweeney). The tourist being lured in are expecting to see something beautiful like rainforest and exotic animals in the rainforest, but what they are not aware of is that the tourism

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