Why Should Science Classes Be Required In Schools

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Science Classes Required in High School
It is my opinion that science classes should be required in high schools because of the significance and importance of them. Science classes can teach students a variety of different things ranging from the study of the human body to that of plants and animals, as well as learning about the solar system and chemicals. Students are able to get up and personal with themselves in ways usually unimaginable; they are able to really learn and understand what happens in the body and study their genes. I think science classes help students build a strong foundation and gain great knowledge about possible college majors and future careers too. There are also plenty of interesting ideas and parts of science that students are only able to learn about by taking these required classes.
Science is
I have never been very interested in any science class until now. I have always loved crime shows and have been very interested in how forensic science helps in crime investigations, but I have learned that I like more than just that. By taking a required Biology class now, I have concluded that I like learning about the study genes. As of right now, do not foresee myself furthering my education in any of these studies, but I like that I had the option and was able to learn about them.
I wanted to find out what others thought about science classes, so talked to a few students taking high school science classes as well as some taking college classes, and received all positive things about the importance and significance of taking science classes. One high schooler said, "Science is on a spiritual level, without science there is no life, and without life, then what is there" while another added, "Science makes you think about the important stuff because it's in everything. I think it's really good to know even if you don't think so at the

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