Why Should College Students Choose Their Own Classes

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Today, the education system of schools focus on major parts of the already established system. The college system forces students to study certain subjects that the government considers important. The current school system needs to be changed for many reasons. The students should have complete freedom to choose their own courses. If college students choose their own classes that they are actually interested in, the working climate would be better. That is, because when a student graduates from a college where they chose their own classes to study, they are more educated in the field of work they are interested in. For example, if a student is motivated to study business, why should he/she be forced to study geometry? Those students should not have to study a course they won't need. Then the student could take more classes like statistics, and not a class to study triangles. If students chose his/her own classes, he/she would be more active, more focused during the lectures, more prone to do his/her homework, and would better understand the information. That is, because then he/she would take a class he/she would enjoy and need in the future. (Knight) If college students is constrained to study subjects he/she is not interest in, it will make him/her feel tired and stressed. In many cases, …show more content…

It seems only fair that they should be given more freedom to pick their own classes. Others may try to help the students pick classes, such as a guidance counselor. This might not always work in some cases, because the students may be the only one who knows what he/she is interested in, what he/she prefers, or what he/she needs.(Boles) That is the main reason why they will pay more attention to the subjects which they are concerned about. They will work more by themselves and search for necessary information that relates to their future

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