Why School Should Start Later Essay

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Should School Start Times Be Pushed Back?

Do you ever wonder why you're so tired getting up for school? Or why we can’t stay awake in the first periods of class? Well i’ll tell you why. Middle and High school students need a required 8-11 hours of sleep. Most teenagers usually go to sleep around 12 am, and school starts around 7:30 am. That is not enough sleep for teenagers. We usually get up about 6 am to start getting dressed and all set for school, and the buses come pick you up 30 minutes later. Once again we’re not getting enough sleep.

Students test scores are falling due to lack of sleep because school starts so early. “A new Swedish study shows that adolescents who suffer from sleep disturbance or habitual short sleep duration are less likely to succeed academically compared to those who enjoy a good night’s …show more content…

"So we've got a sleep deprived society - it's just that this age group, say 14-24 in particular, is more deprived than any other sector.” said Kelley. That just proves that our schools need to start later, because there is no way possible to make every teenager be able to get up on their own.

Getting enough sleep is important for the students academic performance, health, and safety. Did you know that your sleep plays a part in healing your heart and blood vessels? Yeah crazy right? Or did you know that a student is more likely to succeed when they have enough sleep? It’s amazing how your body functions, that’s why it’s very important for teens to get at least 8-10 hours of sleep.

When teenagers get up to go to school, their ability to concentrate is not there. Some student even fall asleep daily in class. Trying to stay awake at school is hard for some teens. Teenagers that are involved in after school activities like sports, are more likely to drink a lot of caffeine like energy drinks or even

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