Why Pitbulls Should Not Be Banned

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Pitbull’s should not be banned in the United States and kept away from other animals and society because of breed specific legislation, to do so would be cruel and unnecessary. Many people, when they think of Pitbull’s, automatically associate them with poverty, crimes, and gangs. however, the truth though, is that many Pitbull’s are either owned by people you know; or, sadly, in shelters, who, because of breed specific legislation, give them only a few short days to live before that are euthanized. Breed specific legislation is a term for laws that ban certain dog breeds in an effort to decrease dog attacks on humans and other animals, typically comprised the pit bull class of dogs. I do not believe that Pitbull’s should be banned from the United States because of breed specific legislation and that breed specific legislation should be legal in the United states. Because of breed …show more content…

When you hear, people saying the word “Pitbull” they are using the name in negative context, usually blaming the dog for something they had no part of. Many people think that the red nose of a Pitbull gives the dog more aggression, that Pitbull’s cannot be around other animals because they have locking jaws. False, False, False. Do redheads have a quicker temper than most people? Are all blondes dumb? The red nose of a Pitbull is just the color of their nose, the same thing as the hair on a person. They act no differently than black, white or brindle Pitbull’s, with proper training and handling, just like any other dog, a Pitbull can be around other animals and peacefully live amongst them. Pitbull’s jaws are constructed like any other dogs. According to Dr. Brisbin of the American Pitbull

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