Why People Share Fake Photos During Natural Disasters

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5 Reasons Why People Share Fake Photos During Natural Disasters There are many reasons why people would share fake pictures especially during these tragic events. Natural disasters like hurricanes, tornados, tsunamis, or anything are horrifying. People go through a lot with the destruction that these disasters make. So why would people want to deal with more distractions? There are three reasons why people would want to cause these types of distractions towards people; 1) They just want attention to make it seem as if they are “cool”. 2) People could just want to stress out others in the community, and think something bad is going to occur. And lastly, 3) disrupt the news, and what they already need to let citizens know about what is happening in everyday life. The first reason people would post these types of immature, and unneeded things is because they just want attention for themselves. As it states in paragraph 4, “They want to be a part of the conversation,” millions of people received, and looked at false information. The pictures, and videos posted by careless people not knowing that what they are sharing, is false information that spreads bad news about a completely different topic. These types of irrelevant things disrupt the media and drags …show more content…

When people post this dumb content, it can make everyone wonder if anything that is coming their way will harm them. To them, this is completely unfair especially to the people who work every day to protect themselves and their families. These days, it seems like any topic someone creates, either real or false, everyone believes it. They believe it because the source was on the “internet” , and everything on the internet is “true.” In society this is disrespectful to the people who are constantly looking after everyone, and our safety especially during a natural

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