Why I Want To Become A Civil Engineer Essay

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Why I am Interested in Becoming a Civil Engineer Why do I want to be a civil engineer? Well, I am mainly interested in becoming a civil engineer for two reasons. My first reason is that I want to see something I designed on paper become real. I have always thought that was the coolest thing about engineers: they can design things like skyscrapers on paper, and then have them built because they are free of all errors. My second reason is just me wanting to have a career and not just a regular job at a factory, where there is always the chance of jobs being offshored or done by machines instead of people.
What I am Hoping to Find As I write this paper, I am hoping to find the answers to the following five questions:
What exactly is …show more content…

Depending on the particular field of engineering, engineers might find themselves testing, maintaining, and using computers to design products. Other engineers, however, might find themselves on construction sites, monitoring, directing, and solving issues on-site. A license in engineering is required for an engineer who offers their services to the public, obtained by passing the Fundamentals of Engineering exam after graduating from college as well as the Principles and Practicing of Engineering exam after enough work experience is gained. Similarly, a US citizenship is almost always required for an engineer working for the federal government (“Engineers”). Civil engineering encompasses many specializations, and many hold supervisory positions. Some specializations of civil engineering include structural, construction, and geotechnical engineering. When supervising the construction of things ranging from roads to dams, engineers must consider factors such as construction costs, government regulations, and environmental hazards. Additionally, civil engineers may also spend their time doing research, and at the same time teaching future engineers …show more content…

If hired by water utilities, civil engineers will design irrigation and sewer systems. They will also develop new methods to remove excess water after storms and floods. These civil engineers must also ensure that their water systems do not cause damage to the environment. Civil engineers hired by landfill management companies will design new landfill sites and monitor their operation. As landfill sites reach capacity, civil engineers will be tasked with sealing the sites and monitoring gas emissions (Kielmas). Civil engineering is a good career because the median annual salary is $83,540, but there are still other fields of engineering that make more money (United States). Petroleum engineers are engineers that design methods for extracting oil and gas from beneath the earth (“Engineers”). They currently have the highest average starting salary of $74,240, which can then become $186,520 once enough work experience is gained. As current petroleum engineers retire, the demand for them is expected to exceed the number of individuals trained to fill the available positions

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