Why Macbeth Decided to Kill King Duncan

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Why Macbeth Decided to Kill King Duncan William Shakespeare wrote Macbeth in the summer of 1606, it is set in the location of Scotland. The theme is “Fair is Foul” and “Foul is Fair” which means not everything is what it seems to be, (such as Macbeth), who turned from a loyal servant into a brutal murderer. At that time William Shakespeare’s audience “Elizabethans” believed the world had good and evil powers. They believed that the evil powers of witches controlled people’s lives. ====================================================================== In Shakespeare’s time stereotypes of men and women were that men were strong and powerful while women were weak and passive. Lady Macbeth was not weak and passive; she was strong and powerful like the men. ===================================================================== At the start of Act 1, Scene 2 Macbeth is shown brave and loyal with the quotation “For Brave Macbeth”, but towards the end of the scene it shows him turning into a vicious and brutal murderer when he himself kills King Duncan. ====================================================================== The witches are partly to blame for Macbeth’s actions because they made Macbeth think that he would be King if he killed King Duncan. They made him a brutal murderer from a loyal servant. At that time Shakespeare’s audience believed that the witches could see into the future and it would be their fault if anything happened. =================================================================== Lady Macbeth is partly to blame because she also changes his character from a loyal servant to a brutal murderer, She persuades and manipulates his to kill King Duncan by saying “I have given suck, and know how tender tis to love the babe that milks me. I would, while it was smiling in my face, have pluck’d my nipple from the boneless gums, and dash’d the brains out, had I so sworn as you have done to this” In Act 1 Scene 7. ====================================================================== Macbeth is also to blame for his actions because he allowed Lady Macbeth manipulate and persuade him to kill the King. I believe that the if Lady Macbeth hadn’t constantly kept on at Macbeth about

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