Why Is Zyklon B Unethical

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would have to take place in a well vented building.Otherwise the gas would stick to everything and would contaminate anything it touched.Killing isn’t good, yet we find new and exotic ways to do it. One of those ways are gas chambers. Used in gas chambers is the gas zyklon b. Zyklon b is a cruel form of killing and torture. It makes the victim suffer in agony.
Zyklon b is a hydrocyanic acid.It is given off by evaporation,and is highly lethal in the correct dosage. Zyklon b was an insecticide which suffocates it’s prey.Killing insects was its original use("Newsletter").It was packaged in metal canesters for safe keeping. As previously said zyklon b was originally used to kill insects.It was also used to kill pests like: rats,mice,spiders,and

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