Why Is Social Control Important

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Many of our laws that we have today has been put in place by sociological demands as our society changes to adapt many cultures that have various views of crime and or personal view of response to rules. As our society changes, so will our laws, for instance, before internet came on the scene, cyber stalking was not even a law, however, it is now. So, the Government is responsible for creating laws as society deems necessary, and here are some of their goals; enforcing social control, discouraging revenge, expressing public opinion and morality, deterring criminal behavior, punishing wrong doing, maintaining social order and providing restoration. Enforcing social control allows government to put forth an idea of a social model so that the citizens can follow and they are allowed to control us in order to protect not only the government themselves, but also other citizens. Likewise, discouraging revenge, ensures the Government to protect themselves against backlash from laws established, but to also prevent complete and utter chaos in society if someone encroaches upon their personal rights or property. Expressing public opinion and morality enables society to voice their desires against certain acts perpetrated by individuals. Many of these are traffic offenses and gambling violations (Siegel, 18). Panhandling is another violation, in many …show more content…

Without this order our society will begin to turn on itself because of a difference of ideas and difference of cultural beliefs, and our Country would become weak. Lastly, providing restoration for individuals who has been a victim of crime, ensures the safety and protection of women, men, the elderly, children, etc, “Victims deserve restitution or compensation for their pain and loss,” Justice is necessary for the wellbeing of every society. This justice is provided through, “fines, forfeiture, and restitution” (Siegel,

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