Why Is Mandala Important To Me

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My Mandala is about Respect, Honesty, Compassion, Enjoyment and Courage and the Cross. For respect I drew, a man saluting, I drew this because in the army a salute is a sign of respect and I chose this because respect is very important for me, for I would like to be respected for what I have done and so it is very important in my universe. Also for honesty I drew Pinocchio with his long nose when he lies, now I know that drawing Pinocchio with a long nose usually signifies a lie, but for my Mandala it means what happens when you lie, and so for me I want to show how it means for me honesty. I chose honesty because I believe that honesty is very important, because it shows a person's character, and I would rather have a friend who is honest …show more content…

Now I chose to add compassion to my Mandala because to me in my universe, having compassion is very important to have because in this age and day, we are losing compassion for each other and instead only care for themselves, and without compassion we lose one of the basic elements that make us human. Moreover, I also included enjoyment to my Mandala, and to signify enjoyment I drew the symbol of the movie Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and I drew it because to me watching movies is what I enjoy to do and because one of my favorite movies so far is Batman v Superman. Now I chose to include enjoyment in my Mandala because in my universe I also enjoy myself and have a little fun, and it shows how I am more of a laid back kind of person. Additionally, I added courage in my Mandala, and to signify that I drew a lion, for a lion is usually associated with might, respect and majesty, and I chose the lion because it conveys the message without having to really explain in

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