Why Is Harper Lee An Important Figure In Human Society

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(hook)Have you ever heard about the award winning book To kill a MockingBird? (background)Harper Lee is an award winning writer to the book To Kill A MockingBird. Schools around the world read this book which teaches them about racism, rape, and how people were treated differently back then.(claim) Harper Lee was an important figure in human society because she was an influential writer, she was also an award winning writer, and her well known book is based on her childhood.

1(restate and answer) Harper Lee was an important figure in human society because she was an influential writer. (cite) According to the text, “Lee joined forces with Capote to assist him with an article he was writing for The New Yorker,” (biography.com).(explain) Harper Lee wrote many things in her years of life. Many of the things she wrote had a meaning to what she was telling the readers. Lee was also once working on another to which was not published. Harper Lee’s work is very good, knowing that she was writing another book shows me that she was an important figure in human society and that she was an influential writer. …show more content…

This book talks about racism and how life was back then. It influences people to be more considerate about other people. This book also shows how important American history was back

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