Why Is Death Important In Hamlet

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With every action, there is a consequence. In Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, a lot of the characters tried to avenge a family member’s death by killing another person, which resulted in terrible consequences. There were many terrible sins committed, most of which were related to murder. These terrible sins eventually led to negative consequences which built up and led to death. Everyone in the play committed sins except for Horatio, who was the only survivor at the end of the playw. This proves that all the other characters committed terrible sins that led to death. The sins and mistakes these other characters made led to their death. All of the characters in Hamlet deserved what they got. Both Hamlet and Laertes tried to avenge the death of a …show more content…

The reasons are for the crown, his ambitions and for Queen Gertrude. Claudius wanted the throne so badly that he would kill his blood brother for it, he was a very selfish man who wanted power and which he did get but at what price. He first kills his brother then marries King Hamlet’s wife Gertrude when she was at her weakest from losing a husband. Claudius has always had affection towards Gertrude but has never been able to show it. When King Hamlet died Claudius could finally marry Queen Gertrude and be happy and satisfied. Therefore by killing King Hamlet he could gain power and the kingdom by being the new king and also married the girl of his dream Queen Gertrude but does that make the murder he committed a right thing to do? Killing someone for your own selfish needs is one of the seven deadly sins greed. Claudius also wanted to murder Hamlet which is King Hamlet’s only son, his own nephew, because Hamlet found out about the murder Claudius …show more content…

Claudius is worried about his entire kingdom finding out about all the sins he has committed to become the new king. So he is trying to cover up his tracks by murdering Hamlet. So that no one in the kingdom will ever find out the about his sinful deeds which was led on by selfish needs. The selfish Claudius deserves his death because he had murder his own family for power and wealth.

All of the characters in this play deserve what they got which death. For all three of theses characters what started out as a thought eventually commenced into action. Both Laertes and Hamlet should have forgiven instead of killing their enemies, and Claudius should not have killed anyone for his selfish needs. Mainly because of the many murders committed in this play but not only that the characters are also egotistic and selfish. If these characters would have let go of the past and forgive one another they would not have committed so many murders and wouldn’t have been murdered themselves. Hamlet, Laertes, and Claudius all could have lived if they would just forgive, not be egotistic and be less selfish. Killing is equivalent committing a sin and all of these characters killed or tried their best to kill another person which mean all of the characters committed sins. All of the characters deserves to die for

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