Why Is Athena Important In The Odyssey

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The Odyssey brought to light many Mythological characters, as important as Odysseus was I don’t believe the poem would have had as much meaning if Athena wasn’t in it. Athena was known for her reasoning and strategic skill. She knew when to sit and watch and when to intervene. With Athena around, many had the ability to be someone they normally weren’t in both good and bad ways. Athena came to Odysseus, Penelope and Telemachus at different times for different reasons. However, Odysseus was her luckiest benefactor.

In the beginning of the poem Athena comes to Telemachus, and tells him to find a ship to go to find news on Odysseus. Telemachus wasn’t sure what to make of this as he didn’t think he was mature enough to make such a voyage, or how he would find a ship as well as people to sail it. Athena comes to him again on his voyage and helped him realize how strong he really was, strong enough to finally stand up for Penelope and his land. Which meant standing up to the rowdy unruly suitors that felt they had all rights to Odysseus’ goods. His strength really came through when dealing with the suitors after Odysseus’ return. …show more content…

Every time Athena visited her, she helped her sleep or helped in forgetting her sorrow of Odysseus. I felt like Athena knew she needed to make Penelope that way so the others could do their job without the interference of someone so lost. Athena was also able to make Penelope even more beautiful, someone the suitors wanted all the more, which kept them occupied to allow the suitor’s planned death come to

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