Why Is Artifice Important In Politics

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Politics can be a stressful topic all over the world for a variety of reasons. The most obvious is whether the people elected will actually fulfill their promises and show that they are being honest and trustworthy. Unfortunately, it is more likely than ever that they will deceive the people instead. Artifice can be essential in political theater as well as consumer culture so I agree with Chris Hedges’ statement. A myriad of people have used it to gain fame, money, or power, and eventually abuse it. This can lead to disastrous situations because they might not be qualified for the job. They just need to capture the audience’s attention and woo them into believing their facade. The audience looks for that story in political leaders, waiting for the promises of a better future in their country. To begin with, artifice can work so easily as long as the people can be manipulated. If they’re told what they want to hear, the population eventually fights for that person with all of their being. No one’s ever absolutely sure whether the politician’s words are truthful or not, but they take the chance anyway. At the beginning of Hedges’ excerpt, he explains that political leaders are some of the countless individuals who use …show more content…

It’ no surprise to anyone when they create a story for their docile supporters to follow them. As Hedges had explained, “Those who have not mastered the art of entertainment… are ignored. They become ‘unreal’.” Political leaders need the story, the concern and sympathy towards the citizens of the country so that they will listen and support them. Without it, they’re overlooked and only seen as boring politicians. These political leaders know that without artifice, they’re doomed. There will be no chance of them making it anywhere. It’s quite ironic that those who use artifice are believed in while those who don’t are left in the

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