Why I Want To Pursue A Biomedical Science Degree

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Biomedical science may seem to be wearisome to a few but to me there is nothing more profound. I find its unparalleled mixture of Engineering and Life Sciences fascinating. I pursued a Major in Mechanical Engineering from Shiv Nadar University, India, and through the inter-disciplinary training offered at the university, I was able to achieve a minor in Biotechnology. This allowed an exploration into the vast expanse of Biomedical Sciences. I believe that recent advances have blurred borders between various streams of sciences. From monitoring illegal bowling technique in sports like cricket to developing bio prosthetic heart models, a multidisciplinary approach to solving problems is the need of the hour. Be it Gait analysis of prosthesis or bio-imaging, an understanding of multiple …show more content…

It thrusts me to dive deeper and expand my knowledge of Biomedical Engineering.

During my second semester of college, I had the opportunity to take a course on Life Sciences. Learning about amino acids, protein synthesis, cell mitosis and genetics, rekindled the love for Biology. In the third semester, studying Strength of Materials as part of mechanical engineering major, I got my first experience of multi-disciplinary thinking. Thanks to the instructor, Prof. Sanjay Mishra, most discussions centred around bones when stress-strain analysis was talked about. I loved the connection. When Fluid Mechanics was introduced, understanding flow concepts and viscosity gave me a better sense of blood flow. Given my interests, I could relate it to nuances of drug delivery and circulation system of human body. Gradually the different domains of biomedical and mechanical engineering were converging and I could visualize a bigger picture. At the beginning of my third year, I was clearer in the understanding of my interests towards Bio-Medical Engineering. I undertook elective courses like Bio-Analytical Techniques,

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