Why I Want To Be A Pediatric Surgeons

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Top Choices for Future Careers Even though I am not even entering my high school career it is never too early to consider careers. My top choices for careers that I would like to pursue in the future would include a pediatric surgeon, general surgeon, and a lawyer. After taking multiple career aptitude tests, my results correspond with my interests. I would prefer to enter the field of medicine, because I enjoy helping people. It is for the same reason that I would also like becoming a lawyer, but what separates my interests is my distinct fascination for the human body. No matter what career I pursue in life, whether I choice one of the following or a completely different field, I am positive I will end up in a field involving the wellbeing …show more content…

Pediatric surgeons require many interests, but the most important general interests for pediatric surgeons are Investigative and Social. My results from the Holland quiz lead me to the career of a pediatric surgeon because my top scores were Investigative and Social. Also, my inspiration for pursuing a job as a pediatric surgeon is, when I was seven I had a surgery on my chest to my sternum. This inspired me to pursue surgery because I want to help save children’s lives and hopefully be an inspiration in their lives. Pediatric surgeons have to go through a long schooling period in which includes going through college to get their graduate degree; many doctors either get their Ph.D. or M.D. After college, you go straight into your internship and then residency. This is a seven year period that prepares you for becoming a well-balanced surgeon. As a surgeon you diagnose children, create a treatment plan, and perform surgeries to fix problems and illnesses. The average salary of a pediatrician is $187,200 per year, but the more valuable “pay” is knowing that you saved a child’s life. Being a pediatric surgeon would be a very rewarding job, but also a very potentially stressful …show more content…

General surgeons require the same general skills as pediatric surgeons, yet instead of specializing in just children or a specific body part, general surgeons perform on the whole body. I am interested in becoming a general surgeon because the idea of saving people’s lives and helping to improve their way of life sounds like a very recompensing job. I also enjoy the human body and its intricate systems. General surgeons are required to go through college and receive their graduate degree. Many doctors continue on to obtain their Ph.D. As any specialty in the medical field requires you to go through your internship and residency, general surgeons do not have to go through the extra years for specializations. General surgeons earn around the same amount of pay as pediatric surgeons at $187,200 per year, however your experience affects your average pay. Again, to me, any job that you could possibly change someone’s life for the better is a job that is worth more than the amount of money

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