Why I Want To Be A Cbp Essay

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Law enforcement is a tough job within itself, I want to be more knowledgeable about the career in United States Customs and Border Protection such as the experience with CBP, duties they preform, the laws they are required to uphold, the danger of the job, and what is required to obtain a job within CBP.

Interest in law enforcement has been a passion of mine for a very long time. I have always looked up to police officers as a role models and leaders who protect and serve us everyday. My interest really began in late 2012, when I began my experience as a police explorer in United States Customs and Border Protection. Over they years I have enjoyed this profession vey much, it gave me a hands-on experience and a personal insight to what law …show more content…

Todays society tends not like police very much. No matter what type of law enforcement work you conduct you will always be a target to someone out there. By you wearing a uniform with a badge and a gun, already sets you at higher standards then the general public. Every action you take represents your department and you as an officer. Working for CBP you deal with thousands of passengers and crew members. You will never know who you encounter on your shift, it could range from a wanted person, stopping a terrorist, or even catching a major drug trafficker. People who know they have committed or about to commit a crime offend tend to get very nervous and not think clearly as they should, so keeping officer safety in the back of your mind is always key. Another dangerous part of working as a CBPO is boarding vessels you need to be physically fit to avoid casing injury to your body. Every time you put on your uniform you have to be vigilant and think about what is around you. Just remember people make a living committing crimes and you are the only person in their way. Simply no matter if you are stationed at a land border, seaport, or airport you always have a risk of danger from people, objects, or hazardous material and

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