Why I Purpose A Pediatric Nurse

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Why I Chose This Profession I’ve always wanted to work with children, but I never knew what my choice was going to be, because there are so many professions. I believe a Pediatric Nurse is a good choice. Growing up I have always had an interest in kids, especially infants. I’m just so fascinated about how something so small can grow inside of a woman and become an adult one day. I know there is so much more I can learn from the world. One day I would love to travel and help the children all over the world. I believe I can help the world and I will do as much as I can to make it a better place. Degrees There are different degrees that will qualify you to get your RN license. A RN with an associate’s degree qualifies you to take the certification test for pediatrics. If you get a bachelors degree you have more of a variety of what you can pursue. Do internships & training at pediatric clinics as often as you can to help out and you can also learn more and have experience when it is time to actually get a job. Depending on what school and what degree you choose it will take 4-5 y...

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