Why I Hated So Much

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Have you ever thought that your whole life is gonna be a failure? I have tried many times for a better choice, but I always end up choosing the wrong answer. I’m sure I’ve disappointed my family, friends, and people I know. I’ve always been a let down. It’s just who I am. “Is it true, the world works hard and we play? Is that why we're hated so much?” (Bradbury pg. 70). I always thought that the world was against me, and that everything that I go through is much harder than what others go through. And every little thing I do wrong, I feel like people around me look at me and stare at me with hatred. At this point, I don’t care anymore if I’m a let down, I already know I am, my family knows, friends, teachers, what’s the point of changing it? …show more content…

My friends and I have drama here and there but at the end, we make up and laugh at our stupid drama and what caused it. In sixth grade, when I first moved here, I was scared to death to meet new people. But since I was young, it is much easier to make friends. The first drama in our group was when we all had a sleepover and one of my friends was so stubborn about what we were doing so she decided to scare us and we all got mad at her after that. Then she called her mom and was telling her how it was so boring and that she wanted to get picked up. The day after that, we were back in school and we were still mad at her and another girl who couldn’t come to the sleepover was sick of us talking about the scare prank over and over again so she stood up from our table and walked to her other friends. We all blamed the girl who did the scare prank because none of that wouldn’t have happened if she didn't scare us. Wallows “Does it come as a surprise?” Pleaser. this song lyric is so important to me, because I never know what's gonna come and it’s just going to surprise me right in the face. Like friends I will lose over a stupid reason, or a big reason that I thought I would be able to solve. Losing friends may be one of the hardest things I’ve felt yet, because we made all those fun memories and it all just went away because one day, we just stopped talking to each other and ignored each other. Even though sometimes it is my fault, I still blame some on my “friend” because it wouldn’t have happened if it was only my fault, maybe the fault that she was responsible for was misunderstanding something that has

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