Why I Hate Blogging About Jesus Summary

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At the same time that there are countless opportunities, there are equally challenges for the Christian web writer. In an article titled “Why I Hate Blogging About Jesus”, blogger, Maci Shingleton says, “My biggest fear is that my blog will encourage the idea that Jesus is just an idea to be blogged about and discussed. He isn’t. Jesus is not an idea to be discussed but a person to be followed. Jesus is Lord.” Maci is careful not to lose sight of her blog’s purpose. She endeavors to keep Jesus first and to be a witness for Him. Maci is from a younger generation than I am. She addresses that younger generation in another blog post titled, “Killing Christian Hipster”, which in my opinion is a wonderful and much needed lecture for Christians who …show more content…

I’m burdened to think that in many cases, it would. It is so easy to say we find our identity in Christ when we are truly seeking our identity in a cheap Christian brand of cool.” While all Christian bloggers do not necessarily fall into this category, it is a temptation that exists. We must be careful not to let pride take residence in our hearts. In her article, “11 Encouraging Bible Verses for Bloggers”, Jennifer Smith give us some additional insight for Christian web writing. She cites Proverbs 16:3 and says, “In every word, campaign, book, product, status update…in everything…commit your work to the Lord! Pray and remain humble. Ask God to lead you to what you should be sharing and how you should be saying it. Submit to God and He will establish your plans!” In response to the question, “What Is My Purpose in Blogging?”, Jennifer Smith …show more content…

There are Christians all over the world engaged in web writing, especially blogging. Nearly five weeks ago, I started a blog and began to create and write content for it. I’ve acquired many new skills, as a web writer, since beginning my journey. So far, the greatest blessing is the community of bloggers that I have met through various means. There are so many resources for Christian bloggers that provide encouragement and instruction, to keep us focused on God’s purpose for our blogs, e-books, and social media outlets. Proverbs 11:14 says, “Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” If we stay connected with other Christian bloggers and have fellowship with them, we will learn from each other and only become better at creating content that glorifies

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