Jesus Ministry Essay

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The body of Christ; His church that gathers together, prays together, heals and seeks the lost. In the most practical way, as a church that is made up of people of different personalities and God given spiritual gifts, form the body of Christ to which He would certainly want His body on a mission. The mission is simply this; reach the lost, heal the sick, and make disciples to continue His work here on earth until the end comes. The work of God in this world is His people; Christians using the gifts God give them to further His kingdom and save as many as we can. The bible starts with the separation of God and humanity’s relationally, and moves on to the introduction to Jesus as the one who seeks to restore this right relationship with God …show more content…

However, when searching scripture, one can find what He wanted most of all from us. “Love the Lord your God with all your heat and with all your soul and with all your mind; this is the great and foremost commandment. The second one is like it; you shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22.37-39). His life and ministry was first for His father’s will to die for the forgiveness of sin for all of humanity; allowing direct access to God through Jesus Christ. Secondly was an example of how we are to become. Jesus was on a mission of developing relationship with people that His father so loved. He created His own small group that was His twelve disciples. Healed many people that were possessed with evil spirits and sickness. Most of all, Jesus wanted everyone to come into an intimate relationship with Him so that they may experience life to the fullest. Humanity was unable to keep that laws perfectly that God had given them with the Ten Commandments, and God knew that humans were incapable of keeping every law at all times. The bible says that if we break one law, we are a sinner and must be held accountable for that one sin. Many Christians walking in the truth know that without Jesus, they are destined for hell due to their many sins. Jesus bridged the relational gap between God and humans. Jesus also died and was raised from the dead so that all that believe in Him shall have everlasting life. Jesus ministry here on earth was all about the one temporal thing that has eternal implications; people. As Christians, we are to become more and more like Christ everyday by laying down our lives and filling our hearts with the same desire that Jesus had on His during His

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