Why I Chose High School

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Throughout high school I was reckless and disorganized, I did not care about passing my classes or graduating the only thing on my mind was the months, days, hours, and seconds counting down until my eighteenth birthday. The day I would be considered a legal adult they day I could do anything I wanted and my parents could not stop me. By my Junior year of high school I had already failed Physical World Concepts (twice), Algebra 2, Biology, English 9, Spanish, creative writing and U.S. History. I was so far behind in credits I had to go to summer school and take two additional classes on top of my regular classes just to earn enough credits to graduate. After finishing summer school I found out I was eligible for a scholarship, TN achieves, this would allow me to attend a two year college if I graduated high school. This was my chance to attend a college and be the first in my family to do so. By my Senior year I started the process of straightening myself out I studied extra hours, and made sure to pass all my classes. I filled out the FAFSA and began the scholarship application process. With my counselors help I got on track and was able to get all the credits I needed for high school. …show more content…

I looked at a few colleges before Pellissippi, but I loved all that Pellissippi had to offer, the classes were more my style. They offered art classes and photography classes, but they also had a great community, the staff was nice as were some of the students. In the end I chose Pellissippi for the classes it offered and for my scholarship. I enrolled and started classes four days after my nineteenth birthday. So far the first day has been fun and very enjoyable, even though I did get a little confused trying to find some of my classes. Pellissippi is without a doubt the right

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