Why I Chose Dentistry

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People think dentistry is just about teeth, I think our teeth are the most valuable part of our body. Our teeth are vital for survival; it grinds and breaks down food to aid the digestive process. They even display our brightness through smiling. Dentistry is not only about medicine and science, but also art and engineering. It deals with drilling, wiring, fixing, and a lot of hand work, even techniques. Although it is challenging, from a very young age, I knew this would be the career for me.
As a student, I have many educational and career goals that I would like to achieve. My first goal is to graduate from Chaminade University of Honolulu with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology in May 2015. In Chaminade University of Honolulu, I want to develop and strengthen my skills. I want to gain as much experience in my major, so that I am prepared for dental school. I want to continue to build friendships with people here through clubs, programs, and activities.
Another goal that I want to achieve is to be accepted into dental school. I came to Chaminade University of Honolulu because they offer early admission for qualified applicants to health profession programs. I hope to attend either A.T. Still University Missouri School of Dentistry …show more content…

This university was the number one school that I wanted to attend. If I wasn’t here, I would be at University of Hawaii West Oahu. I pick Chaminade University of Honolulu because of how small and diverse, how the Pre-Health Profession program have many learning opportunities like the articulation agreements, internships, and undergraduate research, and how they have the four year guarantee plan. I would honored and thankful to graduate as a Silversword and I would be happy to be the first person from my family who will graduate from Chaminade University of

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