Why I Choose to Go to Dental School

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Throughout secondary school I was ridiculed because my teeth were crooked."What did you eat for lunch George, was it bricks?" That is just one example of the diverse jokes I heard on a weekly basis. As a teen, problems with my teeth damaged my self esteem, and made it difficult for me to be social with others. I believed that my peers would refrain from their constant banter if my teeth were properly aligned.

An appointment with an orthodontist was made by my parents. I will never forget the look on his face when he first looked into my mouth; His face inhabited the same bitter expression others usually acquired when they first saw my crooked teeth. The only difference was that following his initial look of shock he stated, "We will just have to correct this". His statement filled me with hope and assurance, now the ridicule I had been subjected to would be coming to an end. However, my joy was short lived. After being assessed by orthodontist his assistant arrived to schedule my next appointment and explained the cost of the procedure. My family could not afford the extra expense so I never returned.

Life moved on, I did not get my teeth aligned and I learned to cope with my crooked teeth.I tried to compensate for my crooked teeth by being an exceptional student. I possessed a strong voice so I took pleasure in reading out loud in class. I truly enjoyed participating in class, until my teeth became the focus of jokes. I was distraught. The more outgoing I became the more people began to stare and make comments about my teeth. I soon developed a speech problem and became afraid to open my mouth to speak. My social interactions declined and depression set in. In hind sight, I should have realized that people would make any imperf...

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...f both dentists has impressed upon me the concept that acquired skill and knowledge is only as valuable as the service you are able to provide to those that need it the most. I want to be capable of carrying on the legacy that those two dentists have imparted to me someday. There are many people from low income households that do not receive the dental attention and prevention knowledge required for optimal oral health. The majority of the population is overwhelmed by tooth decay which is one of the most common of all disorders. I know I can be a part of the generation that makes this disease and other preventable oral problems uncommon in society. I will also devote time and effort in legislative matters in order to make oral care a priority in terms of health care reform. I know that given the chance I can use my passion for dentistry to positively impact society.

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