Why Huckleberry Finn Should Not Be Banned From Schools

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Some works of literature, such as Huckleberry Finn or The Catcher in the Rye, are banned in schools. By researching some of these books, it is possible to see why some argued to have these books banned from school. Many books have been banned from schools because of the content in them. We shouldn't allow censorship or book banning due to subject matter, language usage or violent situations due to the freedom to read. Many books have been banned from schools. A few would be, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, this book was banned because of the language used in the book, Catch-22, this book was also banned because of the language used in the book, The Catcher in the Rye, this book was banned because it was “unacceptable,” “obscene,” “negative,” …show more content…

A few are, Religious affiliations, these books have been banned or censored due to unpopular religious views, opinions in the content of the book, or for any religious views, in general, that might not coincide with the public view. Presence of witchcraft, books that include witchcraft or magic themes. Encouragement of damaging lifestyles, encourages lifestyle choices that are not normal or could be considered dangerous or damaging. This could include drugs, homosexuality, or co-habilitation without marriage. Racial issues, encouraging racism towards one or more groups of people. Political bias, most commonly occurs when books support or examine political parties or philosophies such as fascism, communism, or anarchism. Age appropriate, due to their content and the age level at which they are aimed these books have been banned or censored. In some cases, children's books have inappropriate themes or inappropriate content for the age level at which they are written for. Violence and negativity, books with content that include violence or negative language are often banned or censored. Some books, such as, Malleus Maleficarum or Coming of Age in Samoa, have also been deemed too negative or depressing and have been banned or censored as well. Many books with content that includes sexual situations or dialog are banned or censored …show more content…

To censor means to examine in order to delete anything considered objective. In many countries censorship is most often directed at political ideas or criticism of the government. In the united states censorship more often involves social issues, and in school its commonly directed at so called “controversial” materials. Advocates for censorship often target materials that discuss sexuality, religion, race, and ethnicity - whether directly or indirectly. Profanity appears in many worthwhile books, films, and other materials for the same reason many people use it in their everyday language - for emphasis or to convey emotion. Works containing profanity often contain realistic portrayals of how an individual might respond in a situation and some teachers intentionally select materials to remove the courage of cursing. What's so bad about getting rid of materials containing profanity? Many people don’t want their kids using that kind of language even if they do it themselves and many parents believe that seeing profanity in books or hearing others swear encourages youngsters to do the same, especially if the act goes unpunished. Based on personal views, some parents wish to eliminate material depicting violence, others objectives to references of sexuality, or others to racism. Teachers, principals, and school administrators make decisions all the time about which books and

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