Why George and Lennie Traveled Together

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Why George and Lennie Traveled Together

A simple answer to why George and Lennie travel together could be

answered in a sentence, "they are friends," or "George promised Aunt

Clara they'd stay together." However when considered in depth there

are many reasons. It is obvious that both George and Lennie depend on

each other especially Lennie on George. It was very odd for travelling

men to form lasting friendships, as they had to keep moving on to new

ranches. However when on their own men were likely to be attacked so

the fact that George and Lennie's friendship is unusual is quite


When considering the personalities of George you can see why he

travels with Lennie. He does not merely travel with Lennie he almost

looks after him. George is very fatherly towards Lennie as phrases

such as "Come on, give it here," "Gi'me that mouse" and "Good boy"

suggest. George may not be highly educated but knows what he needs to

and has a lot of common sense: good examples of this are when George

quickly realises that both Curley and his wife are future problems. He

is very quick to point out to Lennie not to speak to Curley's wife and

not to mess with Curley. George comes across as very observant and

this is possible due to him being around Lennie, he has gotten used to

having to look out for him. His common sense is later proved right as

Curley picks a fight on Lennie when he was simply laughing at the

thought of his rabbits. Another aspect of George's personality is his

ability to say his mind and think quickly, he has most likely had to

come up with excuses for Lennie for a long time and so can lie well.

When the boss asks George abo...

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They both depend on each other and their friendship is one of

strength, loyalty, and respect. They both realise what the other means

to them and they know that what they have between them is virtually

unheard of. Lennie cling to George's every word and admires him

immensely. They both know when they have pushed their luck with one

another and sense each other feelings.

I think they travel together because they don't really know what to do

otherwise. I guess they have been friends since childhood and being

together is just a runtime thing now. Neither of them would have much

of a purpose and they would be just like other migrant workers "Guys

like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the

world…With us it ain't like that." They are friends and rely on each

other to look out for the other.

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