Why Gays Should Not Be Allowed In Schools

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The treatment of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transexual (LGBT) students and teachers in the American schools is a subject of much controversy and speculation. LGBT students face terrible obstacles in school, enduring discrimination, bullying, sexual harassment, and verbal and physical abuse. If it is estimated that at most 3% of the population is LGBT, then there are at most 30,000 LGBT students in a in a public school system of more than one million students (Pflagnyc.org., n.d.). These students not only receive awful treatment from students, but also from teachers, school administrators, and district officials, all who turn a blind eye when they witness bullying and harassment and do nothing to help and support gay students. LGBT educators, …show more content…

Students who were frequently bullied in school because of their sexual orientation have lower grades: an average GPA half a grade lower than that of other students. Gay teens are 2 times more likely to contemplate discontinuing their education, either not planning on completing high school or attending to college. LGBT teens are more likely to be diagnosed with depression, 5.9 times more likely to report high levels of depression due to family rejection than straight peers and 8.4 times more likely to report having attempted suicide . About two-thirds of LGBT students reported having ever been sexually harassed in school in the past year, nearly a fifth of students are physically assaulted because of their sexual orientation and over a tenth because of their gender expression. These statistics show that school isn’t a safe place for students who identify themselves as LGBT …show more content…

Through LGBT inclusive curriculums, students learn about the suffering that important members of the LGBT community had endured and the great contributions they have brought to our modern society. they would be less likely to disrespect gay students or make inadvertent homophobic comments. Teaching and pointing out contemporary LGBT individuals and well-known historical leaders would help to enlighten students about the positive contributions of the LGBT community. Well-known figures such as Alexander the Great, Leonardo da Vinci, Alan Turing, Walt Whitman, Sally Ride, Harvey Milk, and Tim Cook where always recognized as great leaders, artists, writers and mathematicians, but rarely for the hardships they endured because of their sexuality (Pino, 2015). The fact that Alan Turing, the founding father of artificial intelligence and computer science, endured chemical castration just because of his sexual preference is something all students should acknowledge (Alan Turing, n.d.). The fact that Sally Ride, American heroine for being the first female astronaut, hid her homosexuality from the world only until she died is something students should understand too (Boyle, n.d.). These facts should be

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