Why Do We Kill Animals Essay

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We, human lives with many different type of animals nowadays. In addition, 56% of people in the world live with their pets. This sounds like we love animals and care about animal 's life. However, surprisingly over 56 billions farmed animals are killed by us for our food every year. Why human need to kill animals? Are we killing animals to survive our life or are we killing animals because they are tasty? There are billions questions why we kill and eat animals. We need to think if it is necessary to kill animals for our lives. Each person has different beliefs about our eating habits. Some of us believe that we need to eat meat. Then, others would ask why; why human need to eat animals and why the horses or the cow can live without eating …show more content…

Since we have been arguing about eating animals, it is important to know that how many animals are dying for our food. Also, we should not refuse to face from the fact that killing animals for our food is one of human egoism. Moreover, the book "The China Study" written by T. Colin Campbell Ph.D. and Thomas M. Campbell says that eating meat, fish, dairy products, and drinking milk is a cause of the cancer. Human can live our life by just eating a whole foods, plant- based diet. By eating a whole foods, human can have most of nourishment. Cholesterol, vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin B12 cannot take from whole foods. However, Cholesterol, vitamin A, and vitamin D can make by ourself in our body. Only vitamin B12 cannot make in our body so that we need to add vitamin B12 into our body by taking supplements. Therefore, it is possible to live our life without eating animals. Additionally, the author says that by eating a whole food, plant based diet, save our life from the risk of cancer or any other illness and also we can save animal lives at the same time. We do not need to waste their lives anymore. We, human need to eat food to live. We eat animals without noticing how animals are killing by human. There are two believes; we should not kill animals for our food and we need to eat animals so we have to kill animals. We still do not know what is the truth. But we know that we are killing animals for our human egoism and yet we overkill animals every year for our food. Why don 't we start to stop over killing animal lives before we start to argue if we should stop eating animals or

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