Why Do Trophys Should Not Be Allowed In Sports

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The idea of a trophy dates back to ancient Greece when the winner of the Olympic Games would recieve a laurel wreath as a reward. More recently sports organizations, particularly youth teams, have started distributing trophies for participation. Some parents who's children take part in organized sports claim that participation trophies infix their children with entitlement, but actually they can inspire determination and teamwork as well.

Naturally, some children are better at sports than others. On a team which does not give out participation trophies, but gives out trophies for hitting the farthest or running the fastest, the child who does not fall into any of those categories can be left feeling useless and inadequate. A child who gives 100% and dosent get rewarded for it is more likely to give up the sport completely than if he were to be given a trophy for engaging and participating. Also, when every child receives a trophy, it can be used to teach the importance of teamwork and the necessity of every individual on a team, not just the talented ones. Every child receiving a participation trophy weaves a common thread throughout the team to hold it together. …show more content…

This may result in the child expecting a reward for jobs that are not done, or that are subpar to his best ability. The superior weakness to handing out participation trophies is that the child that works harder, works longer, and works every day to get better recieves not more recognition than the child who simply shows up for games. The hardworking child deserves to be recognized for more than just

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