Why Do Animals Get Rid Of Zoos

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Animal Justice

Can you answer yes to the question; have you ever been to a zoo? Most can, but have you ever realized the animals suffering for your amusement? Of course not, you went to have a good time, not to worry about the animals behind bars. I strongly believe us humans should come together and get rid of zoos for good. This is because it is a proven fact that animals die premature while kept in zoos. Also an animal's wild habitat wins out over captivity. Finally, zoos are teaching kids that it is perfectly fine to lock up animals for our gratification.

My first reason for animals to be let out of zoos is, animals held captive in zoos often die very young. According to the article by Captive Animals Protection Society [CAPS] states the following,"40% of lion cubs die before one month of age, in the wild only 30% of cubs are thought to die before they are six months old." This quote proves that either the zoo isn't supporting their needs correctly, or being held captive messes with their mental state. Which tells us that no matter the zoo, they can't possibly beat the animal's natural habitat, the wild. …show more content…

As reported by an article by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals [PETA] quotes, "Even under the best circumstances at the best zoos, captivity cannot begin to replace wild animals habitat." This shows significance because animals are limited to what they can, and cannot do, like running, or even finding their own prey. Animals locked up in their cages are cramped with no space, just like they committed a crime they couldn't ever

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