Why Did The Roads Build The Roman Empire

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The Romans were able to expand and be a successful Empire because of their ability to invent and employ new types of technology such as roads and aqueducts, their Government, army and weaponry. In AD 150 the Romans had the biggest Empire in Europe. The Romans conquered most of Europe and the main countries and regions that were conquered were France, Spain, Greece, England/Wales, the Middle East and the North-African coastal area. The roads and aqueducts the Romans built were a crucial part in the Empire’s expansion. The roads the Romans built were made out of mostly cement and stones. They would first dig a trench where the road was going to be built. They would then put cement, pebbles, sand and big stones in the trench and then they would …show more content…

The Roman Government was built up of two consuls, a senate and an emperor. The consuls controlled the army and decided if they should start a war or not. The senate would decide how much taxes were to be collected and what the laws would be. The consuls could only rule for one year. At first, plebeians (citizens) couldn’t be consuls but later there was a law introduced, that there had to be a least one consul that was a plebeian. When a decision was made, both of the consuls had to agree on it before they could change anything. When the Romans had conquered many countries they started to have a system with provincial governors. These governors would each take charge of one of the provinces in the Empire. The senate was the advisory council for the consuls. The senate consisted of patricians and people who came from the wealthy landowner classes. They would advise the consuls and make decisions that had to do with foreign countries. When you had been voted into the senate you were part of it until you died. The consuls were elected by plebeians and the senate was chosen by the consuls. The Emperor would rule the Empire and join the senate’s sessions, set rules and regulations for them and he also oversaw them. The Government helped the Romans control the Empire because then they were able to make good decisions because the consuls had to agree on everything. The consuls were …show more content…

The Roman army was a large army and consisted of around 150, 000 soldiers. This gave the army a significant advantage due to it's size. The army was built up of legionaries and auxiliaries. The legionaries were Roman citizens and they were the best soldiers and were paid more than the others. They would get paid around 112 denarii each year. The auxiliaries were men who were not Roman citizens and they would be paid a third of what the legionaries were paid. Auxiliaries would usually guard forts and fight at the front lines in a war. All soldiers had to stay in the army for 25 years. In war the Romans would wear three different types of weapons. They would carry a dagger, sword and two throwing spears. They would also be carrying a shield to protect themselves. The spear they invented was made so that when it was thrown at the enemy and hit their shield it would bend. When the spear bent, because of the impact it would stay stuck in the shield and the enemy then wouldn’t be able to use the shield anymore. The army helped the Empire to expand because they had a bigger chance of winning wars and conquering other countries because of their size and use of advanced

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