Compare And Contrast The Forms Of Roman Government

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The Roman government was the most powerful government of its time, but it did not become so by mirroring the governments of other nations. The Roman government became great because it drew on the effective practices of other nations while also creating a unique governmental system. The Romans saw the weakness in having a solely aristocratic, democratic, or monarchical government, so they combined them in order to receive the benefits of all and avoid the tribulation each was capable of generating if it was in sole rule. The unification of the three forms of government created a system in which each element of the traditional forms of government were represent. The three forms of the government were: the consuls, the senate, and the people. The traditional form of government that the consuls were tied to was the monarchy element, the senate was tied to the aristocracy element, and the people were the …show more content…

The duties of the senate were the investigation of crime, control over the treasury, the repair and maintenance of the public buildings, and the final approval of public contracts. The duties of the people were to vote, award honors and punishment, and approve and reject laws. From the duties listed, it is clear to see where each division could checkpoint the other. For instance, the consul had the power over the conducts of war, but without money from the senate, who handled the treasury, the war could not be funded. One way the senate could keep the people in check was the distribution of public contracts. The people needed those contracts in order to make their livelihood and so were kept in check when voting. “The result is a union which is strong enough to withstand all emergencies…” All were held responsible which lead to a strong

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