Why Did Japanese Attack Pearl Harbor

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Japanese internment was imperitive. It was to ensure that japan didn’t take over the whole world. Japan has just attacked pearl harbor and a very large amount of americans were surprised that this happend. Especially since the US was neutral for so long during the war. Many servicemen were killed about 2,000. This frightend american people and americans feared the japanese might launch a surprise attack. On them. If japanese launched an attack, then americans thought for the worst. They had forseen the take over of thier beloved homes. The internment of japanese people was very much needed to protect the usa. Japan attacking pearl harbor unexpectadly and without little warning will lead to the trust issues with japanese american people living among them. Pearl harbor being randomly attacked lead americans to feel uneasy around japanese people. They lived near important docks and aircraft associated with military business that could ultimately be leaked to japan and thus make the invasion plausible. The US having been neutral for most of the war, didn’t expect to be engaged in warfare anytime soon that is until pearl harbor. With the attack having been unsuspected, many sailors lost their lives due to it being a surprise assault. …show more content…

Americans had little trust in japanese people, they had just killed around 2,000 sailors without any warning, americans resented the japanese so the camps must’ve been thought up right then. Everything about japanese people screamed another attack americans didn’t want to wait for anything, camps were set up right away. A looming absolute takeover was imminent in the u.s eyes and people were scared they believed that japan was setting up a position for the americans to get taken

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