Japanese Internment Camps Research Paper

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What were the Japanese internment camps some might ask. The camps were caused by the attack of Pearl Harbor in 1942 by Japan. President Roosevelt signed a form to send all the Japanese into internment camps.(1) All the Japanese living along the coast were moved to other states like California, Idaho, Utah, Arkansas, Colorado, Wyoming and Arizona. The camps were located away from Japan and isolated so if a spy tried to communicate, word wouldn't get out. The camps were unfair to the Japanese but the US were trying to be cautious. Many even more than 66% or 2/3 of the Japanese-Americans sent to the internment camps in April of 1942 were born in the United States and many had never been to Japan. Their only crime was that they had Japanese ancestors and they were suspected of being spies to their homeland of Japan. Japanese-American World War I veterans that served for the United States were also sent to the internment camps.(2) They only hard part was getting the Japanese there. Because the camps were not yet completed when Roosevelt Army eventually decided to allow the prisoners to leave the camps if they joined the U.S. Army but only 1,200 took the option. The last Japanese internment camp in the United States was closed in 1945. President Roosevelt canceled the order in 1944, two years after signing it. It wasn't until 1968, almost 24 years after the camps had been closed that the U.S. government decided to make reparations to those who had lost property due to their imprisonment. In 1988 surviving prisoners were awarded $20,000. Only 60,000 out of the 127,000+ prisoners of the internment camps were still alive. As a sign of their negative feelings towards the USA, 5,766 prisoners renounced their American citizenship because they were sent to the internment camps. (1) (2) After that the Japanese were released and lived along with other

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