Why Did American Respond To The Events In Korea Essay

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Somebody ... Wanted ... But ... So ...
North Korea Want all of Korea under the Communist Rule together as a whole They were stopped by reinforcements, United States and United Nations, which caused a hold up in the progress Korean War began
General MacArthur Defeated the Koreans Truman did not allow that because they had certain orders to follow He gained permission to attack them without them knowing, while others still fought in the front line
President Truman To win the war by the correct way, which used less violence MacArthur had other ideas, and he did his own thing and ignored President Truman Truman took away MacArthur’s leadership of being a General and sent him home
China Safe zone so they had peace to do their work China worried that the US would break into China if the US and South Korea were …show more content…

Each response must be in your own words and in complete sentences as well as include evidence from the lesson.
1. How did General Douglas MacArthur react to the events in Korea? What was his stance on the Korean War?
General Douglas MacArthur reacted to the events in Korea by thinking he could do anything he wanted to them because he was liked by the American people. He wanted to stop Korea entering China.
2. How did President Truman respond to the events in Korea? What was his stance on the Korean War?
President Truman was not happy about the events in Korea. He wanted everything to end right away, and that things have gotten out of control.
3. Which leader's actions were the most justifiable—General McArthur's or President Truman's? Support your claim with evidence from the lesson.
I think President Truman’s actions were more justifiable because he pulled the plug on MacArthur when he got out of control in Korea.
4. Would the outcome of the Korean War have been different had General MacArthur not been fired? Why or why not? Support your claim with evidence from the

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