Bases Of Power

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Bases of Power and Influencing Others Assignment Throughout the case study, “Relief of General MacArthur,” General MacArthur displays legitimate, coercive, referent, and informational power. General MacArthur worked his way up to becoming a general, therefore displaying legitimacy. He has referent power because he is considered a “military hero and politically powerful,” and he demonstrated coercive power in that he led in a defensive approach. The President would restrict him, yet he would ignore the restrictions and go forward with his plan. General MacArthur, towards the end of the case study, exemplified informational power when he continuously met with the press and used information to criticize President Truman. President Truman, on the other hand, displayed legitimate power, referent power, and coercive power. President Truman also worked his way to becoming the President. The American people had to cast a vote for him to be elected making this both legitimate and referent. He displayed coercive power when he reprimanded General MacArthur by restricting his authority. …show more content…

His coercive and informational power, however, were not as effective. His coercive power and defensive approach made it challenging to connect with his civilian leadership, which caused many disagreements between the two. His informational power was the deciding factor for President Truman to relieve General MacArthur for insubordination. President Truman’s legitimate power and referent power were effective in that his subordinates respected him, and most of the time supported his decisions. He coercive power was effective in the end when he relieved General

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